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Learning Disability Register

Each GP surgery is meant to have a Learning Disability Register.

Advantages of being on the register are:

  • You are entitled for an Annual Health Check which often helps to pick up any health problems. This is offered to people with learning disability and starts at the age of 14+years.
  • You can also be entitled to get some benefits. 
  • If you are on the register, practices will be more aware of any reasonable adjustments that you may need.

Please see the links below for documents to support you in enabling your child to join the Learning Disability Register, along with information on Annual Health Checks and a Hospital Passport.

A Hospital Passport is a document that can go with your child should they need to go to hospital and gives medical staff important information about how to support your child e.g. how best to communicate, information on how your child eats, keeps safe or what might help if your child is anxious.