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Consent for use of digital images

I consent to images of my child being used as follows*:

In the School’s Website, Social Media (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter). We may share flyers, prospectus, leaflets and brochures via social media. We will stop using the photographs after the child has left the school from marketing, website and social media posts, but cannot prevent circulation of these from previous posts.*
In and around the School building(s) (image to be used as part of school wall displays/class activities including celebrating achievement, advertising school productions and other internal publicity purposes)*
If visited by the media for photographs to published in local or national newspapers, in televised news programmes and on social media sites; please note pupils will never be named with their photo without separate consent*
Image to be included in the School’s annual formal class/whole school and individual photographs*
To be filmed during school productions*
By ticking this box I agree to the school using photographs of my child or including them in video material, as described in the document ‘‘E-Safety Use of Recorded Media and Exchange of Data’. I have read and understood this document. I understand that images will only be used to support learning activities or in publicity that reasonably promotes the work of the school, and for no other purpose.*

Click on this link to find a copy of the 'E safety use of recorded media and exchange of data' document

*If you wish to withdraw your consent at any time, please email