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Riverside St Paul's Cray (Secondary)

We would like to welcome you to our St Paul's Cray (SPC) Secondary phase. Our SPC secondary phase ranges over eight years from Years 7 to 14. Throughout this time for all pupils, a significant focus is on developing independence and promoting meaningful skills which will support them in their lifelong learning.  Our goal is to ensure that all pupils are fully equipped and prepared for life beyond Riverside School and that they continue to have every possible opportunity to 'Be All That They Can Be'.

Our independent skills based curriculum provides pupils with a curriculum which is motivating, aspirational, meaningful and progressive. We use the Equals Moving on Curriculum as a basis of our curriculum. The EQUALS Moving on Curriculum is structured in five, one year programmes; Adventurer, Explorer, Traveller, Voyager and Globetrotter. Courses of Study also include: World Studies, Independent Living and Vocational Skills as well as Literacy, Numeracy and ICT, where appropriate. The Moving On curriculum also offers a breadth of experience within which pupils' Personal Learning Plans (PLPs) can be focused on. AQA unit awards are used to enable pupils to obtain meaningful certified certificates to celebrate the work they have achieved. AQA unit awards are mapped at specific levels for different cohorts of pupils. We have the highest of expectations for all pupils and ensuring pupils work towards aspirations levels of AQA unit awards helps to demonstrate an example of this. Alongside this, we follow Arts Awards and a comprehensive RSHE (Relationship Sex and Health Education) programme which supports pupils in their journey through to adulthood. We are also re-establishing our Duke of Edinburgh awards for pupils in Year 10 onwards. Please click here to view to our secondary curriculum overview ; a snapshot of the curriculum for all pupils in our secondary phase.

Pupil and support staff memberA key focus within our secondary phase is Community and Careers education, which is an integral part of our curriculum. All pupils have opportunities to engage in meaningful community experiences. These include trips into our local community, internal community experience and external community experience to different places of work and interest. We also welcome many different professionals into school to lead workshops. We are continually looking to extend our links further to enable pupils to participate in more community experiences throughout the entire school year. We are also extending our enterprise schemes to enable pupils to learn more about the world of work. An integral part of this is our Riverside Lounge. This is a café which pupils throughout the Secondary Phase have set up and run. Please go to our Community and Careers Education page to find out more information.

Transition to the next provision is a focus area as pupils move to the final years of their Riverside careers. We support our pupils and families to leave Riverside in a position where they feel fully prepared for the next stage in their journey. We hold an annual transition event for pupils and their families in Year 9 onwards.

Pupils laughing

Thank you for taking the time to read all about our phase. We are always looking for exciting and meaningful opportunities for our young adults. If you would like to support us in any way please do not hesitate to contact me at

Clare Collett
Assistant Headteacher