Regular attendance to school is essential, developing your child’s learning, social development and life opportunities. Your child will develop friendships, and have opportunities to develop their knowledge, skills and talents, they will learn about their world and the wider world around them.
If your child is unable to attend school, please inform the school by telephone before 8:15am on the morning of the absence. Leave the name of the pupil and class name/class teacher and reason for absence. If you are aware that the absence will be for more than 1 day, e.g., 24 hours for vomiting etc. please also give this information.
If your child is unable to attend for more than one day, please call the school office on the 3rd day of absence, updating reasons for illness and an expected return date.
If the absence continues longer term, please keep us informed.
Families can telephone the school nurses on 01689 879197 for advice on anything related to your child’s health.
It would be helpful if parents could also ring the transport company that brings your child to school to inform them of your child’s absence.
Families are asked not to send their child to school if they are feeling unwell in the morning. Please CLICK HERE for further advice on when to keep your child off school.
If a pupil falls ill or has an accident in school, the school will telephone families to make them aware of this and, where necessary, to suggest families collect their child.
In case of emergency, pupils will be taken to hospital according to medical contact forms.
Government Advice on Managing Specific Infectious Diseases
Keep Your Child Well This Winter Booklet